We've spent all fall finding new treasures for Bessie's. Part of the fun of our job is meeting new artists and listening to their story. When we picked up more of Reuben Little's birdhouses, we also got a tour of his charming city gardens. We learned he has been training to become a tattoo artist in addition to his woodworking.....Jeffrey Lipton recently delivered his whimsical pottery on a quiet Saturday afternoon. In talking with him, we discovered he had given his hand made pottery mugs to all his wedding guests! He spent time in western Massachusetts doing a pottery internship, but is very happy to be in Maine now!....You may have seen Angela Streeter at a farmers market- she's the woman standing and knitting with no pattern. Angela is from Scotland, and we think she was born with knitting needles in her hands! Her potholders are not only functional, but she spends much time picking out fun fabrics.
Angela's lovely child's washable sweater!
Jeffrey Lipton's wood fired salt ware.
Reuben Little's birdhouses made from recycled materials.